Why Incorporate Conscious Cuisine
Preventative and often reversible chronic diseases.Adopting a whole food plant-based diet is the one nutritional regimen that has been scientifically proven to prevent and even reverse these modern-day plagues.
Water preservation is currently one of the most important natural resource on the planet earth that is taken for granted and misused or overused for unnecessary reasons. It is surprisingly shocking to learn that more than half of all water consumed is used for animal agriculture. In fact, the meat and dairy industry uses a full third of the entire planet’s fresh water. Based on a global average of water consumption for beef production, it takes about 1,741liters of water to produce just 131g of hamburger. And dairy isn’t much better, requiring 3785.411 liters of water to produce just 3.785 lit of milk. This is not only wasteful and inefficient, it is emblematic of a broken system of food production that is simply unsustainable and financially challenged.
Greenhouse gas emissions is another fundamental crucially important aspect for healthy and sustainable environmental. When we talk about global climate change, we tend to focus on the impact of fossil fuel use, fracking, transportation and ocean pollution. But there is one major contributor to greenhouse effect is animal agriculture, which is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions —more than the exhaust from all transportation combined. If every person dropped just one serving of chicken from their diet per week, it would save the same amount of CO2 emissions as removing 500,000 cars from the road. In fact, a plant-based diet can cut your carbon footprint by a full 50%.
Plant Based does not mean Vegan, it is rather a nutritional foundation for a human health and sustainable future.
Land conservation is crucial to pay attention to since 45% of the Earth’s total land is covered in livestock. 6070.28 square meters of land can produce 170 kilograms of meat, or 3060 kilograms of plant food. In other words, a meat eater requires 18 times the amount of land necessary to feed someone eating plant-based. And this must suggest quite alarming news.
Prevent species extinction as animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction. More than a hundred animal and insect species are lost every day from rampant rainforest destruction —a crucial, irreparable blow to the biodiversity essential to maintaining our planet’s healthy ecology.
Reduces environmental and water pollution as every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food in the U.S. In fact, a farm with 2,500 dairy cows produces the same amount of waste as a city of 41,000 people. Seriously.
Prevent marine life extinction as many as 40% (63 billion pounds) of fish caught globally every year are thrown out, and some scientists say we could see fish-less oceans by 2048. Moreover, the waste runoff from animal agriculture leads to ocean dead zones —massive algal blooms so oxygen deprived that no animal life can survive.
Stop deforestation Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction. In fact, one to two acres of rain forest are cleared every minute for grazing and growing feed for livestock. The impact is a cancer on our planet’s precious lungs, responsible for pumping our atmosphere with the oxygen we simply cannot survive without.
Alleviate world hunger because we are currently growing enough food to feed 10 billion people, and the U.S. alone could feed 800 million people with the grain that livestock eat. Hunger isn’t a scarcity issue, it’s an allocation and distribution issue.
Enhances athletic performance and supports recovery because eating whole plant-based is a tool for maximizing athletic performance, primarily because it optimizes immune system functionality and significantly expedites physiological recovery from exercise induced stress. For the non-athletic, maximizing athletic recovery is a paramount importance of actualizing performance potential. If I could do what I’ve done athletically on nothing but plants in my mid and late 40’s, imagine your own untapped capabilities.
Our planetary problems are perilous and profound. The standard diet isn’t just making us sick. And it isn’t just inefficient. It’s time for a food system reboot and transform our lifestyle.
Adopting a plant-based lifestyle, or at least mostly botanical approach to your plate is the single most powerful and positively impactful choice you can make as a conscious, compassionate human being and earthling. A choice that will help prevent and reverse disease; reduce your carbon footprint; and preserve the planet for our children and animal friends alike.